Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

PKAW 2018 Keynote Speakers

“PKAW: From Past To Future”


Prof. Paul Compton

University of New South Wales, Australia
PKAW 2018 Honorary Chairs


Prof. Compton worked at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research for 20 years before joining the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of NSW in 1990 where he was head of school for about 12 years. he retired in 2010 and is now an emeritus professor at UNSW.

While at the Garvan he worked on GARVAN-ES1, one of the first medical expert systems to go into routine clinical use. He was responsible for maintaining the rules, and the difficulties with this led him to research on knowledge acquisition and maintenance.

His research is still focussed mainly around incremental knowledge acquisition, known as Ripple-Down Rules, which enables knowledge bases to be built while in use. This has been commercialised by a number of companies, in particular Pacific Knowledge Systems. PKS’s RippleDown system is widely used in Chemical Pathology, and data from hundreds of knowledge bases show that rules can be added at about two minutes or less per rule, while the system is already in use. This enables end users to build and maintain their own knowledge bases, often with thousands of rules, without IT support and without impacting on their other responsibilities.


“Social Network as a Rich Source of Human Behavior”


Prof. Hiroshi Motoda

Osaka University, Japan
PKAW 2018 Honorary Chairs


Hiroshi Motoda is Professor Emeritus of Osaka University, Guest Professor of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR) of Osaka University. He was a scientific advisor at AFOSR/AOARD (Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, US Air Force Research Laboratory) since 2006 till 2018, and worked as an international program officer. Before that, he was a professor in the division of Intelligent Systems Science at ISIR (Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research) of Osaka University since 1996 until 2006. Further before joining the university, he had been with Hitachi since 1967, participated in research on nuclear reactor core management, control and design of nuclear power reactors, expert systems for nuclear power plant diagnosis at the Central Research Laboratory (1967-1971), the Atomic Energy Research laboratory (1971-1978) and the Energy Research Laboratory (1978-1985), and on artificial intelligence, machine learning, knowledge acquisition, qualitative reasoning and diagrammatic reasoning at the Advanced Research Laboratory (1985-1995). He continued to work on machine learning and knowledge acquisition, and has extended his research to scientific knowledge discovery and data mining at Osaka University. At AOARD he had worked on social network analysis while funding basic research in Asian Countries and managing projects in computational intelligence. He was the principal investigator of the active mining project funded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) that involved about 20 universities and research institutes (2001-2004). He received his Bs, Ms and PhD degrees in nuclear engineering from the University of Tokyo. He was on the board of trustee of the Japan Society of Software Science and Technology (JSSST), the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) and the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (JCSS), and on the scientific advisory board of Alberta Ingenuity Center of Machine Learning. He was the chair of SIG-KBS and SIG-FAI of JSAI, the chair of the steering committee of Pacific Asian Conference of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, the chair of the steering committee of International Conference on Discovery Science, the chair of the steering committee of Asian Conference on Machine Learning, and on the editorial board of JSAI, JCSS and Knowledge Acquisitionq (Academic Press), IEEE Expert, Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal (Springer), Advanced Engineering Informatics (Elsevier), International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier), Intelligent Data Analysis: An International Journal (IOS Press) and International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (Springer). He is now an honorary member of the steering committee of Pacific Rim International Conference of Artificial Intelligence, a life long member of the steering committee of Pacific Asian Conference of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, an honorary member of the steering committee of Asian Conference on Machine Learning, and a member of the steering committee of IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics. He received the best paper awards twice from Atomic Energy Society of Japan (1977, 1984), three times from JSAI (1989, 1992, 2001), the best research paper award for DSAA2014 (2014), the outstanding achievement awards from JSAI (2000), the distinguished contribution award for PAKDD (2006), the outstanding contribution award from Web Intelligence Consortium (2008) and the distinguished contribution award for PRICAI (2014). He wrote/edited four books on feature selection/extraction/construction. His book “Fundamentals of Data Mining” was awarded the 2007 Okawa Publishing Prize. He was a member of AESJ, ANS, AAAI, IEEE, JCSS, IPSJ and is a member of JSAI